Just a word before we go...Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time...February 9, 2025
Have you ever wondered how it is that great things are accomplished through ordinary people and circumstances? We see in today’s readings that God broke through the reluctance and fears of unworthiness of Isaiah, Paul and Peter, albeit in different fashions. St. John Henry Newman wrote that nothing would be accomplished at all if a person waited until he or she could do something so well that no one could find fault with it. Think of the times that God asked something seemingly impossible of others of our ancestors in faith...think Mary’s yes, Moses’ acceptance to lead the Israelites, David fighting against Goliath and in our own day, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What these people have in common is that they responded to the invitation of the Lord, despite being aware of their own shortcomings, be those of age, or talent, or training. They listened, they obeyed, they were transformed in the process. And they became a blessing to us all.
This coming week is Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Week, in the heart of Black History Month. Fairfield, and the surrounding towns, are marking these celebrations with many opportunities to learn more about Dr. King and what he represented. In particular, Fairfield University is hosting an MLK Convocation, featuring Edwidge Danticat. The theme of the convocation is “Beloved Community: Forging Justice, Peace and Freedom.” Fairfield U. is also offering several other presentations throughout this coming week and beyond; Sacred Heart University is celebrating Black History Month by presenting a series of award-winning films at their Community Theatre in Fairfield, including such titles as, “Do The Right Thing,” “Selma,” and “I Am Not Your Negro.” Westport and Bridgeport have also planned celebrations. Check out the parish website for a listing of these offerings.
Learning about Dr. King, his mission and the obstacles he overcame, can allow us to place him squarely in today’s readings: “Here I Am...send me”... “By the grace of God”...“Do not be afraid—from now on you will be catching men (and women).”
May we, individually and collectively, have the faith and the courage to emulate Dr. King by following the Gospel of Jesus.