Just a word before we go...Sixth Sunday of Easter...May 5, 2024
This weekend we celebrate many things...Today, Saturday, is the day of the running of the Kentucky Derby (any fans out there?); Saturday is also World Labyrinth Day, and we are blessed to have our own labyrinth in which to walk, or sit, to pray or meditate, or just drink in the beauty of God’s creation; Sunday is Cinco de Mayo, the Mexican holiday that honors their defeat of the French in the Battle of Puebla on May 5th, 1862.
Liturgically, we are celebrating the Sixth Sunday of Easter, the readings of which tell us that we have been chosen to go and bear fruit that will remain. We, together, have been chosen. Chosen out of love...to love. Chosen to spread the Gospel by our lives of love, TOGETHER!
There are many ways in which we do this together, all of which can bear fruit that remains. Of primary importance is our gathering at the Liturgy; the celebration of the Eucharist is our communal act of reconciliation, faith and unity, binding us in the circle of God’s love. Sharing in this celebration, we are fed to go and feed others. But there are other, more concrete ways in which we act together: fashioning prayer shawls for the sick or bereaved; educating the parish on matters of Social Justice and actively pursuing various projects in that area; advocating for more responsible care of the earth through education and practical endeavors; contributing to the diocese through the Annual Bishop’s Appeal, which spreads God’s love to so many in need beyond our parish; supporting the Thomas Merton Family Center and Sr. Eileen’s Street Ministry; contributing to the ambiance of the church and the grounds by planting, weeding, mowing and trimming, or arranging flowers for the altar...these efforts feed our souls’ need for beauty, and reflect God’s love; partnering with the parish and the diocese in fulfilling pledges made to the 5 year We Stand with Christ Campaign, in its last month.
So far, we have used those funds in these ways: the inside of the church was painted, the statues restored, new carpeting installed. We are working on replacing the sound system and updating the work areas in the sacristies. The lift project in the parish hall is nearing completion and the renovation of the hall bathrooms will be undertaken soon. New energy efficient windows will be installed in the hall, the outside walls of the hall are being re-pointed, and the various concrete areas around the campus are being restored. We are exploring solar energy in partnership with the diocese. These and other plans still on the drawing board are made possible through the generosity of you parishioners, and not only through the capital campaign; several of you have seen a need and responded to that need by your contributions of funds or your time and talent.
Taken all together, these fruits that will remain reflect your love for God, one another and our parish...spreading the Gospel of Love as we were chosen to do.