Just a word...Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time...September 11,2022

In our gospel today Jesus tells 3 stories about losers who are not content settling for their respective losses.  The care with which those losers search for what or whom was missing...the sheep that went astray, the misplaced coin, and the lost son...images for us the love and concern of Jesus, and the One who sent him.   We can see in the 3 parables a catalogue of how people get lost from God.  We wander off, like sheep, and can’t find our way back.  Or we find ourselves in the dark, stuck in a crevice or under a couch, awaiting rescue. Or at times, we deliberately get lost, out searching for adventure, ending up in a foreign place...sometimes our hearts leave home, even when we stay in place.

But we are not meant to stay lost.  There is One who seeks us out; One who will be creative in the way, shape, or form of a search; One who will not be cast in a mold hardened by our expectations; but who will be the first to respond, ready to find us and fill our house with song and feasting and laughter, all the while reminding us that calves are made for celebrating with, not adoring.

We, individually and as a community, have suffered many losses in these past 2 1/2 years of pandemic.  Some have lost loved ones, some a sense of belonging and community, some don’t know how to come back or even see any need to come back. We are still reeling from the tragedy of September 11, 2002. Among the many lessons for us in today’s Gospel is the importance of welcome.  In particular, we see the father anticipating the son’s return, long before the son had decided to come home.  That sense of preparation, of opening hearts and minds to create a space and grace of welcome, applies not only to individuals but also to communities.  A welcoming presence is a healing presence, and can restore a sense of belonging. That is why we are hosting a  Welcome Back Autumn Fest, a time for us to gather as a community in a social way, renewing acquaintances and friendships, spending time together chatting, listening to music, perhaps even dancing….and most definitely, feasting!  So come and join the feasting and fun on Sunday, October 2, from 12:30 until 5:30.  Be part of the welcoming presence that St. Anthony’s is known for. 

Of course, every party needs helpers!  Marcy Vidoli will be outside the church with a sign up sheet for volunteers to help with the festivities.  Please take a shift and join the party...welcome others, and enjoy one of the benefits of being part of this wonderful community of faith!




Just a word before we go...Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time...September 18, 2022


Just a word before we go…Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time…September 4, 2022